Mikołaj Koziarkiewicz
gotowce splash headliner
Illustration adapted from photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash

Starting words

Hello again! We are continuing our series on extracting Machine Learning training data from a video game. In the previous blog entry, we’ve run some exploratory data analysis on what we aim to extract for the "final" model’s training. From now on, we’ll be focusing on the actual extraction process of said data.

The theme of this particular post is "ready-made". In other words, we’re going to look at some relatively current methods to solve our problem – or side step it; ones that have a characteristic of doing most of the work for us. We’ll start with a modern detection model, and then proceed with a local LLM (or rather, VLM), explore alternative sources of auto-derived detection training data, and compare all that with hosted LLMs from leading vendors.

The current entry is likely to be the least "technically complex" in the entire series, meaning it will be the easiest to replicate for an arbitrary person, and therefore adapt to other use cases. Something to keep in mind, especially if you, Dear Reader, stumbled upon this post randomly.

For a refresher on what we want to achieve, feel free to consult the starter blog entry, here.

Modern Detectiving with Open-Vocabulary Models


"Modern" is, of course, an ill-defined term in the current breakneck-paced bazaar of ML solutions. However, we can provide a sensible generalization of what that could be at the moment of writing of this entry, at least for our specific problem scope.

Speaking of specific, one relatively recent – i.e., no more than 2-year-old – trend for detection models is to enable operating on an "open vocabulary", as opposed to a rigid set of classes. So, instead of telling the model to detect classes of objects like "car", "bicycle", and similar, the user can be more creative, and supply prompts such as "yellow vehicle", or "car with two windows".

As already mentioned, open-vocabulary detection models have been developed for about 2 years now. A relatively fresh example, and one we’ll use in the current section, is YOLO-World, released early 2024. True to its name, it is based on YOLO for detection, augmented by the ability to fuse text and image embeddings (representations of both in a numeric vector space). A detailed explanation is beyond the scope of this blog – for those interested, the original paper is available on arXiv.

We’ll now see if we can wrangle YOLO-World to detect our designators. To juggle our memory from the earlier entries, the designator is depicted in the center of the screenshot below, surrounding the targeted mech:

gotowce base image
Figure 1. The "base image" we’ll use for detection and similar tasks, offering a relatively uncluttered scene with both the designator and a mech clearly in view.


The nice thing about testing out ML models in recent years is that, for the vast majority of use cases, everything is so, so convenient[1]. Not only are there repositories that standardize model usage and deployment – most prominent Hugging Face, but they often come "free" with libraries further expediting the use of models present within their ecosystem. On top of that, utility libraries exist that aggregate those "commonized" APIs for model usage, evaluation, and similar tasks into a meta-API, so that an arbitrary model authors' choice of standards is not as much of a pain point as it was, say, 5 years ago (yes, yes, feel free to add your favorite joke on standards proliferation here).

A library/framework that possesses the quality praised in the preceding paragraph, and one that we’ll be using here, is Supervision.

So let’s see how that goes; by "that" we mean using YOLO-World to find the target designator in the image. We’ll essentially be following along one of Supervision’s tutorials, with some small modifications:

import cv2 as cv
import supervision as sv
from supervision import Position

from inference.models.yolo_world.yolo_world import YOLOWorld

detection_model = YOLOWorld(model_id="yolo_world/l")

# several different class prompts, in the hope that at least
# one will match for the designator
classes = ["red rectangle", "red outline", "red box", "red designator"]


# setting up the annotators
BOUNDING_BOX_ANNOTATOR = sv.BoundingBoxAnnotator(thickness=2)
LABEL_ANNOTATOR = sv.LabelAnnotator(text_thickness=1, text_scale=0.5, text_color=sv.Color.WHITE, text_position=Position.BOTTOM_LEFT)

# loading the image shown above
frame = cv.imread("example_designator.jpg")

# we're using a very low confidence threshold, as we're
# interested in seeing "what sticks"
results = detection_model.infer(frame, confidence=1e-3)

# however, we are also still applying NMS, as potentially, in low
# confidence scenarios, we run the risk of being inundated with multiple,
# redundant, tiny detections
detections = sv.Detections.from_inference(results).with_nms(threshold=1e-4)


# will print out something like:
# Detections(xyxy=array([[     709.02,      829.93,      810.31,      1055.4],
#       [     810.56,      343.53,      879.66,      390.26],
#       [     799.74,       807.5,      1123.7,      1063.1],
#       [     809.68,      343.99,      879.36,      390.05]]),
#       mask=None,
#       confidence=array([  0.0019695,   0.0014907,   0.0012708,   0.0012423]),
#       class_id=array([2, 2, 2, 0]),
#       tracker_id=None,
#       data={'class_name': array(['red box', 'red box', 'red box', 'red rectangle'], dtype='<U13')})

# this is, again, pretty much copied from the linked tutorial
# BTW, it is a bit unusual there's no sensible
# way to compose Supervision annotators

annotated_image = frame.copy()

labels = [
    f"{classes[class_id]} {confidence:0.5f}"
    for class_id, confidence
    in zip(detections.class_id, detections.confidence)

annotated_image = BOUNDING_BOX_ANNOTATOR.annotate(annotated_image, detections)
annotated_image = LABEL_ANNOTATOR.annotate(annotated_image, detections, labels=labels)
sv.plot_image(annotated_image, (30, 30))

The final line results in the following image:

gotowce yolo world result sample
Figure 2. Results of initial YOLO-World detection attempts.

Well, that’s not looking great. The model, although powerful, evidently has trouble distinguishing various elements in our screenshot. The likely underlying reason is simple — the model was trained on datasets of "actual" images, i.e., photographs, and not on game screenshots[2].

Instead of looking at multiple (pre-)training datasets, we’ll check out the one used for evaluation, specifically LVIS. Let’s take a small look at that dataset to see what kind of text input data it provides. The spec is here – we’re interested in the "Data Format" → "Categories" section in particular. Let’s also load up the training set and see what some example data looks like. Fire up this code and read the spec in the time it takes to load:

# download the file from https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/LVIS/lvis_v1_train.json.zip
# and unzip it to the current directory

import pandas as pd
import json

with open("lvis_v1_train.json") as fp:
    lvis_training_instances = json.load(fp)

# prints out ['info', 'annotations', 'images', 'licenses', 'categories']

categories_df = pd.DataFrame(lvis_training_instances["categories"])

gotowce yolo world training data label example
Figure 3. Example of the LVIS dataset categories.

Feel free to explore both the names and the synonyms of the categories – the latter obtainable via a snippet like the following one[3]:

category_names_synonyms = categories_df['synonyms'].explode().unique()

It will become quickly apparent that the problem lies in, well, the problem domain of the model – actual photographs of real-world objects. MechWarrior: Online is pretty far from being photorealistic (both due to stylistic choices and age), so the scenes in the screenshot can’t always be meaningfully interpreted by the model in the context of its training data, even down to basic visual features. Demonstrating the latter problem is the following query, attempting to capture the red landing lights visible throughout the screenshot:

classes = ["red light", "red lightbulb", "landing light"]
gotowce yolo world result sample diff query 1

None of the results remotely capture what we intended. The "big" detection is likely due to an association with a…​ related concept, which we can verify by changing the classes appropriately:

classes = ["airplane", "shuttle", "vehicle"]
gotowce yolo world result sample diff query 2

Yep, the model actually does manage to "recognize" the DropShip visible in the screenshot as an airplane[4]. Note the considerably higher confidence – 0.8 is something on the level you would expect from an "actual" detection, as opposed to the unusually low confidence we used for the investigation.

Evidently, YOLO-World is actually capable of detecting artificially generated visuals, but not what we require[5]. In fact, we’ll see similar trends with other SotA (and non-SotA) models: virtually always, training datasets include COCO, Object365, and so on. The "mainstream" models are, in general, not prepared to operate on rendered images, at least not specifically so.

So what can we do with this? One way to go is to adapt the model to our needs.

…​and this is what we would have proceeded with, had we not already declared that the blog entry will not be overtly technical. Instead, we’ll perhaps revisit the adaptation task in another entry, but, for now, we’ll just chalk this up as a lesson that even "generalist" models aren’t general enough for each and every use case – context still matters.

Local Large Models to the rescue?

Fortunately, we still have several "levels" to go up on, the first one being trying out a more powerful, but still locally runnable[6], model.

Moondream, the one we’ll use, is described as a "Vision Language Model". Its inputs are both an image, and a text prompt. The latter can be anything from a simple "describe this image" request, to "what is wrong with this specific object in the picture" quasi-anomaly-detection. In between, we have an option to request detection bounding boxes for objects described in a freeform manner, and this is what we’ll use.

As already alluded to, the model is relatively small for an LLM/VLM, and can easily be run on even a laptop-grade GPU, while still having decent time performance. The model is available on Hugging Face, which makes getting it work a breeze. Curiously, there’s little more information about it; publication-wise, the only references that can be found to the model come from comparison papers, such as this one[7].

Moondream: initial approach and examination

Regardless, let’s get right to working on it, following the example code and our test screenshot, with some small modifications:

from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
from PIL import Image

# if GPU
DEVICE = 'cuda'
# uncomment if GPU insufficient
# DEVICE = None

model_id = "vikhyatk/moondream2"
revision = "2024-08-26"
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(
    model_id, trust_remote_code=True, revision=revision, device_map=DEVICE
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_id, revision=revision)

base_image = Image.open('blog/img/intro_interface_demo_raw/frame_5.jpg')

def infer(image, question):
    enc_image = model.encode_image(image)
    return model.answer_question(enc_image, question, tokenizer)

print(infer(base_image, "Describe this image."))

This will give us the following:

The image shows a screenshot from a video game, featuring a player’s view of a futuristic environment with a large vehicle, mountains, and a control panel with various game elements.

Impressive, isn’t it? Five years ago, models of this apparent analytical complexity, running on local hardware, would still be considered science-fiction.

To cut the optimistic tone somewhat, note that we have little amounting to specifics – just a general description of the scene. The output does mention the hills in the background, and a vehicle, but that’s about it.

Wait a minute 'though: maybe the "vehicle" is what we need? To figure it out, we need to write a simple function that annotates the image with bounding boxes resultant from the model’s output. And yes, the model is capable of outputting bounding box coordinates. Here’s the code:

import ast
import numpy as np
import supervision as sv

def bbox_to_annotation(image, prompt):
    bbox_str = infer(image, prompt)

    # this is unsafe in general, especially when parsing
    # open-ended model outputs! Used here for demo purposes only.
    bbox = ast.literal_eval(bbox_str)

    # retrieve the xyxy coordinates
    x1, y1, x2, y2 = bbox

    # the coordinates are relative to the image size,
    # convert them to pixel values
    x1, x2 = (np.array([x1, x2]) * image.size[0]).astype(int)
    y1, y2 = (np.array([y1, y2]) * image.size[1]).astype(int)

    # create a Supervision Detections object with just our single bounding box
    detections = sv.Detections(np.array([[x1, y1, x2, y2]]), class_id=np.array([0]))

    # set up the annotator, which is a Supervision API for convenient
    # drawing, swapping, and composing various annotation types
    annotator = sv.BoxAnnotator()

    # need to copy the image – annotator works in-place by default!
    return annotator.annotate(image.copy(), detections)

And here’s the invocation with the result:

bbox_to_annotation(base_image, "Bounding box of the vehicle.")
gotowce extraction frame marking
Figure 4. Moondream’s detection result for the base image and the "vehicle" prompt.

The "vehicle" turned out to be the large DropShip craft sitting on the runway, so that' a miss.

Let’s continue by exploring what the model "sees" in the vicinity of the target designator, as this might give a better idea of what vocabulary we might have to use for a successful prompt. First, directly, by cropping the image to just the designator.

gotowce moondream designator base crop
Figure 5. Image being analyzed below.
designator_location_base_image = [860, 418, 955, 512]

base_image_designator_crop = sv.crop_image(base_image, xyxy=designator_location_base_image)
infer(base_image_designator_crop, "Describe the image")

The image features a robot with a dark silhouette, standing in a red-framed area. The robot appears to be in a defensive stance, possibly ready to attack.

Apart from the actually internally consistent, but still amusing expression of "defensive stance, […​] ready to attack", two observations are of note here:

  • the model does seem to actually recognize mechs as "robots", which is impressive in and of itself;

  • crucially for us, it also notices a "red-frame area", i.e., our designator.

We’ll eventually return to the former, proceeding now with the latter. We know that the model is able to associate the relevant UI element with text embedding in its encoding space that results in the "red-frame". We should now determine how sensitive the model is to this "stimulus" when given a broader context. To do that in a low-tech fashion, we’ll repeatedly run the inference on an image consisting of the designator, plus a variable bit of margin. The variability will span from a relatively small dilation factor of several pixels, up to most of the image in question.

The code to perform the task is pretty simple:

def random_crop(image, base_bb, offsets_range_max: int):
    # convert to np.array to allow for vectorized operations
    bb_xyxy = np.array(base_bb)

    # define the "directions" in which the offsets are applied
    # first corner should go only "up" and "left",
    # second corner should go only "down" and "right"
    offset_direction = [-1, -1, 1, 1]

    # generate the random offsets for all BB coordinates
    offsets = np.random.randint(0, offsets_range_max, size=len(base_bb))

    # perform the "widening" calculation on the original BB
    crop_box = bb_xyxy + offset_direction * offsets

    # ensure the resultant crop BB is within the image's bounds
    repeat_max_by = len(crop_box) // len(image.size)
    clipped_crop_box = np.clip(crop_box, 0, list(image.size) * repeat_max_by)

    return sv.crop_image(image, clipped_crop_box)

Here’s an example of invocation and result:

random_crop(base_image, designator_location_base_image, 100)
gotowce moondream designator random crop

Using the function we just defined, we can now generate the descriptions in the manner we discussed with the following code:

import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

def extract_descriptions(
    description_data = []
    for offset in tqdm(range(min_offset, max_offset, interval)):
        for iter in range(num_iter):
            cropped_image = random_crop(source_image, designator_xyxy, offset)
            desc = infer(cropped_image, "Describe the image.")
                {"max_offset": offset, "size": cropped_image.size, "description": desc}

    return pd.DataFrame(description_data)

description_df =  extract_descriptions(base_image, designator_location_base_image)

Here is the CSV file of the results obtained after an example run.

gotowce moondream designator random crop result base bottom
Figure 6. Smallest…​
gotowce moondream designator random crop result base top
Figure 7.  …​and largest maximum offsets.

Looking over the data, it is clear that the model recognizes the designator as some element, only for its importance to fall of the description inclusion threshold it in the context of the larger picture.

Regardless, it seems that the model recognizes the frame as a "red" something, as evidenced by this diagram:

import seaborn as sns

_SEARCH_FOR = "red"

# filter the rows that contain the search term
max_offset_with_red = description_df[

# plot against all max offsets
    [max_offset_with_red, description_df["max_offset"]],
    palette=["red", "#bbbbbb"],
gotowce moondream designator random crop result base hist red
Figure 8. Histogram showing a distribution of the max_offset values where the word "red" is contained in the result. Note how the frequency of the word’s presence decreases with max_offset 's value – in other words, with the size of the visible area around the designator.

Let’s run some aggregation now, so that we may see some trends in the output. We’ll proceed with that by processing the descriptions into a quasi-canonical form, and find the word "red" in the description, along with two neighboring words on each side, and then group the results. For the NLP processing, we’ll use spacy, the documentation of which contains a very nice usage primer, also explaining some basic NLP concepts.

from functools import partial
from typing import Optional
import spacy

_SEARCH_FOR = "red"
_FIELD_DESCRIPTION = "description"

nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")

def word_neighborhood(
    source: str, lemmatized_word: str, neighborhood_size: int
) -> Optional[str]:
    """Takes a single description, runs basic NLP to obtain lemmatized sentences, and extracts
    `neighborhood_size` words around the `lemmatized_word`, including the latter."""

    # run the basic NLP pipeline
    doc = nlp(source)

        # we assume there's only one sentence that has the word
        # not a fan of exception-driven logic, but it's cleaner in this case
        word_sentence = [
            s for s in doc.sents if any(t.lemma_ == lemmatized_word for t in s)
    except IndexError:
        return None

    # get the lemmatized version of the sentence, without
    # stopwords and punctuation
    processed_sentence = [
        t.lemma_ for t in word_sentence if not t.is_stop and t.is_alpha

    word_pos = processed_sentence.index(lemmatized_word)

    # an alternative would be to use the various Matcher facilities in spaCy,
    # but the chosen approach is a bit less cumbersome, doesn't require as much
    # knowledge of spacy to read, and we don't care for efficiency in this case
    return " ".join(
            max(0, word_pos - neighborhood_size) : word_pos + neighborhood_size + 1

def process_description(description_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
    # apply the word neighborhood function to the description column
    with_red_vicinity = description_df.copy()
    with_red_vicinity[_FIELD_DESCRIPTION] = with_red_vicinity[_FIELD_DESCRIPTION].apply(

    # group by description and aggregate the other fields
    return (
                "max_offset": np.median,
                "size": list,
                # Add other fields as needed

with_red_vicinity_unique = process_description(description_df)

gotowce moondream designator random crop result base processed bottom
Figure 9. Top 20 grouped smallest offsets…​
gotowce moondream designator random crop result base processed top
Figure 10.  …​and top 20 largest ones.

Unfortunately, we confirm the trend we were seeing in the "raw" data – the designator becomes less "distinct" in larger inputs.

In other words, we can try to use the "small detail" text for our BB prompt, but we will not get expected results:

bbox_to_annotation(base_image, "Bounding box of the red square frame border.")
gotowce moondream designator base crop with target bottom crop
Figure 11. The BB is at the very bottom-left, not where we expect it to be.

"Prompt engineering" of input images

An alternative way for us to make it easier for the model to "focus" on what we want is to limit the information available in the scene. To do that, we’ll use the insights from the previous entry to simply color-threshold the input image.

Specifically, we’ll mask everything below the 90th percentile of the color threshold for the designators we’ve analyzed, which is color value 177 for the red channel. One way to do this would be to use OpenCV[8]. Here are the relevant code snippets and inference results:

import cv2 as cv

def mask_red_channel_opencv(image, threshold=177):

    # using the inRange function, which is slightly more readable than
    # creating a mask just based on numpy operations, i.e., something like this:
    # mask = (image[:, :, 2] >= threshold).astype(np.uint8) * 255

    mask = cv.inRange(image, (0, 0, threshold), (255,) * image.shape[-1])

    return image & np.expand_dims(mask, axis=-1)
gotowce moondream designator base crop with target color thresh
Figure 12. Color thresholded image.
infer(masked_image, "Describe the image.")

The image is a screenshot from a video game featuring a dark background with various elements and graphics. It appears to be a screenshot from a space shooter game, possibly from the "URBANMECHE K-9" series.

    "Bounding box of the small red frame area.",
gotowce moondream designator base crop with target color thresh des box
Figure 13. Designator-detection attempt after color thresholding.

That’s more like it, but still, not perfect. Moreover, the base image is pretty much the "ideal" screenshot. For a more busy scene…​

masked_image_busy = sv.cv2_to_pillow(
gotowce moondream designator busy crop with target color thresh
Figure 14. Color thresholded image - "busy" scene.
infer(masked_image_busy, "Describe the image.")

The image is a screenshot from a video game featuring a space theme, with various elements of a spaceship cockpit and a cityscape in the background.

    "Bounding box of the small red frame area.",
gotowce moondream designator busy crop with target color thresh des box
Figure 15. In case you can’t see the location of the bounding box – it’s almost the entirety of the image.

No dice here, either.

Conclusions for Moondream

Like with YOLO-World, it looks like there’s simply a mismatch between what the model was trained to detect, and what we want from it. Perhaps there is a specific prompt that does let the model identify the target designator flawlessly. I’m sure that if there is, I will be made aware of it in 5 minutes of posting this blog entry. However, that prompt certainly can’t be described as easily discoverable.

Again, similarly to YOLO-World, Moondream can certainly be fine-tuned to output what we want, but that is out of scope for this entry, as defined in the introduction.

It would be remiss to leave our consideration of Moondream, and similar distilled LVMs, at this. One thing must be stressed – the models are considerably more powerful than what we’ve shown so far.

Case in point:

    "Bounding box of the mech on the left.",

    "Bounding box of the mech on the right.",
gotowce moondream designator base mech left
gotowce moondream designator base mech right

The two prompt results show:

  1. Not only does the model readily recognize "robot-like" shapes;

  2. it also has an embedding mapping rich enough that it can directly map the phrase "mech" onto these shapes;

  3. the detected area actually does roughly correspond to the mechs in the scene.

All this is to say: Moondream, and models like it, are certainly powerful enough to potentially serve our main purpose, i.e., detecting the mechs on the screen, with only some tweaking. We’ll revisit this opportunity space in future entries.

Do we even need the designator? Looking into auto-segmentation via SAM 2

Throughout the current body of the blog series, we’ve operated on an assumption that extracting the designator images is our best bet of building a training set for the "final" mech detection model. Is that necessarily the case?

Those knowing a certain "law" already know the answer. Indeed, one of the changes in recent years has been the appearance of modern generalized image segmentation models[9]. The output thereof can be then used as training data for the target detection models.

We’ll try out a relatively recent one, Segment Anything 2 from Meta (née Facebook), available alternatively on Hugging Face. There’s also a rather impressive landing page, with various demos, including interactive ones.

Perusing the docs, notebooks, etc., we should notice quite quickly what the major trait is of the model, setting it apart from the "classical" segmentation models. Namely, it can provide complete, or near-complete segmentation of an image without any other input, as evidenced by the screenshot below…​

gotowce sam2 unprompted base image
gotowce segmentation example
Figure 16. Our base image, auto-masked by SAM 2. Generated by following example code from this notebook, specifically the "Automatic mask generation options" section.
For comparison: the same image, segmented using SLIC, a technique introduced in 2012. Note that the segmentation provides our desired result as well in this case; in other words, the ability of SAM 2 to just fully segment the image to our spec is not the thing we’re looking for.

Its real power lies in the ability to segment images based on a point prompt. Well, that and being able to process videos based on that original prompt (and being resilient against occlusions, and other things…​).

Let’s see a little demonstration. The code here is heavily derived from Roboflow’s blog entry, authored by Piotr Skalski, on SAM 2, the primary adaptation being generalizing most of the logic into a single-function API[10]:

# again, this is mostly code from
# https://blog.roboflow.com/sam-2-video-segmentation/
# reorganized and slightly amended

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import supervision as sv

from pathlib import Path

def get_masks_as_detections(object_ids, mask_logits) -> sv.Detections:
    """Converts SAM 2 output to Supervision Detections."""
    masks = (mask_logits > 0.0).cpu().numpy()
    N, X, H, W = masks.shape
    masks = masks.reshape(N * X, H, W)

    return sv.Detections(
        xyxy=sv.mask_to_xyxy(masks=masks), mask=masks, tracker_id=np.array(object_ids)

def add_points_to_predictor(predictor, inference_state, point_data: pd.DataFrame):
    """Add points to SAM 2's inference state.

    This function assumes it receives a DF with the columns:
    ["point_xy", "object_id", "label", "frame_id"]

    where "label" is 1 or 0 for a pos/neg example.

    # aggregate by frame and object, to conform to batching modus
    # of predictor.add_new_points
    aggregated = point_data.groupby(["frame_id", "object_id"]).agg(list)

    for (frame_id, object_id), row in aggregated.iterrows():

        points = np.array(row["point_xy"], dtype=np.float32)
        labels = np.array(row["label"])


def ensure_frames_generated(source_video: Path, frame_dir_root: Path) -> Path:
    """Checks if the frame images, necessary for SAM 2's state init and processing, are present.

    If not, generates and saves them to the corresponding `frame_dir_root` subdirectory.

    video_name = source_video.stem

    frame_dir = frame_dir_root / video_name

    # a simple check - if the video for the directory exists,
    # we assume the frames are already generated
    if not frame_dir.exists():
        sink = sv.ImageSink(target_dir_path=frame_dir, image_name_pattern="{:04d}.jpeg")

        with sink:
            for frame in sv.get_video_frames_generator(str(source_video)):

    return frame_dir

def segment_video(
    source_video: Path,
    point_data: pd.DataFrame,
    target_video: Path,
    label_annotator: sv.LabelAnnotator,
    mask_annotator: sv.MaskAnnotator,
    frame_dir_root: Path = Path("./video_frames"),
    frame_dir = ensure_frames_generated(source_video, frame_dir_root)

    # init model's state on the video's frames
    inference_state = predictor.init_state(video_path=str(frame_dir))

    # add segment guidance points to the model
    add_points_to_predictor(predictor, inference_state, point_data)

    video_info = sv.VideoInfo.from_video_path(str(source_video))

    frames_paths = sorted(
        sv.list_files_with_extensions(directory=frame_dir, extensions=["jpeg"])

    with sv.VideoSink(str(target_video), video_info=video_info) as sink:
        for frame_i, object_ids, mask_logits in predictor.propagate_in_video(
            frame = cv.imread(str(frames_paths[frame_i]))

            detections = get_masks_as_detections(object_ids, mask_logits)

            frame_annotated = label_annotator.annotate(frame, detections)
            frame_annotated = mask_annotator.annotate(frame_annotated, detections)

which can be invoked like this:

        color=sv.ColorPalette.DEFAULT, color_lookup=sv.ColorLookup.TRACK

The predictor value is the result of a sam2.build_sam.build_sam2_video_predictor call, the instructions for setting up which are available in the relevant documentation. In all examples here, we are using the "large" model variant.

Since we’re switching from images to video, we need to actually choose a video snippet. We’ll go with this one:

As you can see, the video can potentially be challenging to segment – the color palette is muted and homogenous, the objects of interest are either small, occluded, or blend with the background well. Nevertheless, let’s try marking a single point – specifically on the very fist visible mech up in front – and see how SAM 2 performs:

That’s actually impressive. The model does manage to keep up with both the objects and the camera’s movement, only "picking up" some extraneous elements, but never extending the mask to an unacceptable level. The only bigger hangup is it losing the object and switching tracking to another one after the zoom level switch – again, nothing concerning, as there’s no indication SAM 2 should be resilient against that.

OK, so we’ve covered a single object, but, in this snippet, a grand total of 5[11] are available to segment. We extend the point data to the following form:

import pandas as pd

# as a reminder, "label" denotes whether
# the example is "positive" or "negative"
# we identify our "segmentation tracks"
# by the "object_id" field

point_data = pd.DataFrame(
        [[1122, 347], 1, 1, 52],
        [[1167, 348], 2, 1, 52],
        [[1030, 350], 1, 1, 76],
        [[880, 338], 2, 1, 113],
        [[900, 355], 2, 0, 113],
        [[1675, 435], 3, 1, 130],
        [[1508, 446], 4, 1, 131],
        [[1553, 444], 4, 0, 131],
        [[1867, 427], 5, 1, 145],
        [[1202, 391], 4, 1, 363],
        [[1258, 435], 3, 1, 363],
        [[755, 324], 2, 1, 393],
        [[1145, 399], 4, 1, 436],
        [[1155, 331], 4, 1, 436],
        [[1062, 383], 4, 1, 615],
        [[1011, 391], 3, 1, 636],
    columns=["point_xy", "object_id", "label", "frame_id"],

For reference and visualization, here is the representation of the example points on the respective frames, as well as the initial segmentation provided by SAM 2’s model state.

gotowce sam2 frame debug grid
Figure 17. The debug frames. Note the subtitles. Example points are denoted as circles – filled for "positive", hollow for "negative". Masks generated from the model’s inference state while adding the points are also provided. Click here for a larger version.

We can see that the static image masking does look promising. The biggest problem is that SAM 2 is a bit "greedy", and often incorporates parts of the background – see especially the first frame presented – hence the need for several negative examples. We also had to provide additional example points for objects that "started out" adjacent, or even overlapping. Again, still a good show so far, given the difficulty of the input video.

From the examples provided, we get the following segmentation results:

Comparing to the single-point example, the most notable phenomenon is a markedly reduced tracking ability of the "original" object (denoted as 0). This is likely due to attempting simultaneous segmentation on another mech (denoted as 1) that’s passing right behind 0. Overall, the model is unable to persistently track virtually any of the objects without further point examples, and even then, it eventually loses persistence. Interestingly, it does manage persist the tracking of one object over the zoom sequence (4), which means SAM 2’s anti-occlusion facilities are quite powerful.

Nevertheless, we must remind ourselves that we are not investigating SAM 2 for tracking capabilities, but to provide a source of training data for detection. And, for this purpose, it seems like a promising direction. The model produces masks that are almost always more precise than the equivalent of the target designator’s shape (something we haven’t talked about yet – even when we do get the designators, a cleanup step will still be necessary before we proceed with actual training, or fine-tuning, of a detection model).

Additionally, we’ve imposed quite a challenge on SAM 2. There’s plenty of "real world" use cases where the model would be likely to perform with much greater fidelity, and so provide even better annotation data.

The only gripe is resource consumption – even the "tiny" version of SAM 2 uses too much VRAM for most consumer GPUs. The hope lies in the larger community creating derivatives that require less memory, while having similar performance.

"Mainstream" LLMs

While things were a bit different even a year ago (due to lacking image-assisted prompt possibilities), it would now be remiss to not include a comparison of processing through the "mainstream" LLMs. We’re going to take a look at two families of them: Anthropic’s Claude and OpenAI’s GPT-4o.

The plan is as follows – first, we’re going to supply the demo image with the following prompt:

The image is a screenshot of a video game. On the screenshot, there is a target designator, shaped like a square with middle portions of its sides missing, all colored red. Provide the bounding box pixel coordinates of this designator.

We’re going to repeat the same text prompt with the "busy" image. Finally, we’re going to use one of the frame images from the test video, i.e., this one:

gotowce reference frame 145
Figure 18. The reference frame we will be using, or "the third image".

and the prompt:

The image is a screenshot from a video game in the BattleTech/MechWarrior franchise. Provide bounding box locations of all the mechs in the image.

We’ll adapt this preliminary plan in case a potential for additional insights manifests itself.


Spoiler: this won’t go well. Starting with demo image and the specified prompt:

I apologize, but I’m not able to provide exact pixel coordinates from the image. However, I can describe the location and appearance of the red target designator you’re referring to:

The red target designator is located roughly in the center of the image, slightly below the midpoint vertically. It’s surrounding what appears to be a mech or large robotic figure standing on a road or runway.

The designator consists of a square shape with the middle portions of each side missing, creating a crosshair-like effect. Inside this designator is a distance readout showing "478m".

If you need precise pixel coordinates, you would need to use an image editing tool or specialized software to analyze the image. I can only provide descriptive information based on what I see in the image.

(emphasis added)

So, unfortunately, it looks like Claude immediately turns out to be a dud for our purposes. Now, it’s not all bad – it does recognize both the designator and the mech in the image. We note also that Claude considers the distance readout as being inside the designator; we’ll get back to this observation in the ChatGPT section.

Just not to end Claude’s exploration too abruptly, let’s see what it has to say for some other images and prompts. Here’s what it outputs when provided the "busy" image, with an adapted prompt:

gotowce claude busy image

Unfortunately, Claude doesn’t seem to recognize the mech that’s actually being targeted – there was a bit of hope the designator itself would provide sufficient context. At least it does identify the two other relevant objects in view. However, it describes the one on the left erroneously as hostile – quite obviously, due to the "friendly" marker above visually separated from the mech by one of the UI elements.

Interestingly, Claude does appear to have some information about the franchise, as it correctly references the existence of the assault weight class[12]. Not surprising, 'though – BattleTech is enjoying its 40-year anniversary right about now.

Finally, let’s see if Claude can at least recognize mechs in a more challenging screenshot:

gotowce claude result frame 145

Disappointing as well: the correct answer is 5, not counting the player.

Before we conclude, we must note that the prompts were answered by the free version of Sonnet. While this may seem unfair, Claude all but disqualified itself by refusing to provide bounding box coordinates, apparently by design. Frankly, the author is unwilling to splurge >20€ just to check if the Pro version has a different system pre-prompt.

Otherwise, it’s worth pointing out that Claude, for our use cases, appears to have similar capabilities to a model such as Moondream.


We’re using GPT-4o, as o1-preview doesn’t seem able to ingest images currently. For the demo image, using the prompt specified in the section intro, the model does provide a bounding box: (810, 370, 960, 520). The coordinates translate to the following clip:

gotowce chatgpt base image

Partially true, but not exact. The model seems to consider the distance readout as part of the designator. This quirk is not only present here but also in Claude and in Moondream. Honestly, not entirely sure what is the reason. The best guess is these sorts of UI elements, (i.e., designators) indeed often have supplementary icons or text "attached" to them, and this is reflected in whatever common data sets were used to train the models. So, for the model, the designator indeed comprises both the element itself and any "add-ons", an effect similar to the well-known "huskies are on snowy background" class of error – if it even can be considered an "error".

A follow-up prompt:

The bounding box provided is too large. It should only contain the designator’s square shape itself. Please refine the coordinates.

yields (842, 406, 927, 491):

gotowce chatgpt base image refined

better, but still not ideal.

Let’s move on to the busy image, where the bounding box is given as (617, 32, 1775, 1055):

gotowce chatgpt busy image
Figure 19. Yes, this is the "bounding box" provided by ChatGPT for the "busy" image.

which, as we already guess from the coordinates alone, is way too imprecise – although, in fairness, it does include the designator itself. Funnily enough, the model, when requesting refinement, eventually "gives itself up" with this choice snippet:

It appears that my current attempt still did not yield the correct bounding box for the smaller red designator. Given the complexity of identifying the exact designator in this image, I would recommend a more manual analysis or specialized visual inspection using specific graphic tools. If you prefer, you could manually examine pixel clusters using an image editor to isolate the exact region you’re interested in.

All right, let’s do some follow-ups with "smarter" queries, like we did with Claude.

gotowce chatgpt busy image mech bbs
Figure 20. Result of the BB query on the "busy" image.

For the "BB location" prompt (the second one from the intro), ChatGPT seems to provide similar results as Moondream. Note that the image above was generated "manually", which is actually not strictly necessary – 4o absolutely can, and will, when asked for, draw the bounding boxes automatically.

gotowce chatgpt busy image count
Figure 21. Result of an object-counting query on the "busy" image.
gotowce chatgpt frame 145 count
Figure 22. Result of a similar query on the reference video frame.

ChatGPT returns similar results as Claude. When pressed with the suggestion of the correct answer (5), and asked to provide bounding boxes, it does so, but hallucinates heavily, and returns completely incorrect BBs[13].

gotowce chatgpt frame 145 bbs
Figure 23. Yeah, no.


We have undergone quite a journey in this post. What then, are its takeaways?

The primary one, perhaps: for specialized use cases, such as, apparently, ours, there is still no free lunch. Most popular vision models are trained principally on "real world" images, with "real world" objects. No wonder – most of the use cases need those. For others, however, non-trivial work needs to be done, at least in the form of fine-tuning. Bummer on the one hand, yet on the other, a confirmation that a lot of interesting problem-solving is still there to explore.

The second takeaway flows from the first: even the models of the "large" corps, trained while burning through the equivalent electricity consumption of a small country (not an exaggeration), are unable to give answers to our problems for "free" – not because they are not deficient or borderline sci-fi at times, but they simply weren’t trained for this. And speaking of "free", were they even capable of performing the required tasks flawlessly, they’d still be prohibitively expensive for such a hobby use case – we’re talking dollars on the thousands of images/frames.

Finally, and most importantly, some conclusions relevant to the "offline" models we’ve gone through:

  • YOLO-World seemed to be the weakest for our use case, but even it can probably be made to work well with some fine-tuning, and not only for finding designators, but for mechs themselves. The latter, of course, presents a chicken-and-egg problem, as we need the data somehow.

  • Distilled VLMs such as Moondream work even better, and, perhaps in the near future, will be good enough to employ for the use case of detecting video-game-specific objects without any fine-tuning. We must, however, be mindful of their complexity and resource requirements, barely runnable on the majority of consumer-grade hardware. We cannot then unequivocally settle on them just yet.

  • Modern generalist segmentation models such as SAM 2 offer the most intriguing opportunity – sure, they’re not as convenient as auto-detecting target designators, but:

    • they potentially output more precise annotation information via the masks;

    • with a couple of days of work, the input data yield can surpass the autodetection approach, as we can locate and annotate arbitrary objects on the screen, not just the ones surrounded by a specific UI element;

    • however, we will need to wait for less power-hungry derivatives for this to work in an acceptable timeframe.

Overall, we’re still not quite in the singularity that’s being heralded as coming soon for some time now, not even for "simple" tasks such as computer vision. But that’s good! It means there’s still a lot of interesting work to be done, and a lot of interesting problems to solve.

In the next entries, we will proceed with that problem-solving. We’ll be using several approaches to precisely extract the target designators, and we will start doing what we should have been doing already – comparing the performance and resource usage of various approaches in a diligent manner. We probably will even revisit some of the models (or their derivatives) discussed here. For now – until next time!

1. …​except for getting the models to play nice with drivers, interfacing libs such as CUDA, and so on. War, war never changes…​
2. See section 4.2 "Pre-Training" of the paper for the full collection of datasets.
3. There’s also the def column that can be wrangled with some basic NLP, but that is unlikely to bring any novel or contradicting conclusions.
4. It also manages that if you just provide "dropship" as a class, funnily enough.
5. And no, it also won’t detect a "mech" or "robot", at least in this screenshot.
6. Without paying for hardware worth as much as a good new car, that is.
7. From March this year, so already somewhat out of date, of course.
8. We could, of course, just use Pillow, as that’s what we’re starting with, but OpenCV’s API is slightly less cumbersome for the particular use case.
9. Not that generalized segmentation models or algorithms didn’t exist before – quite the opposite, of course. It’s just that the current crop is considerably more effective.
10. Ideally, for actual usage, the code should have been generalized to something like a Builder-pattern object. That would render the code a bit less digestible for the purpose of a blog-contained example, however.
11. Not counting the Rifleman II mech visible at the very end, crossing a gorge.
12. And the mech in question is an assault-class mech to boot.
13. For completeness, the prompt was: "The answer is actually 5 (five), not counting the player’s mech. Can you provide bounding box locations of these five mechs?"
Mikołaj Koziarkiewicz
designator analysis splash
Figure 1. Illustration adapted from photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash


Welcome to the new entry on our series oriented around ML in video game use cases. The entry forms a part of a loosely connected series, the first of which sets up an overview of the problem space, the rationale, and the rough outline of how we’ll proceed. You can read it here if you want – but if you don’t, here’s a tl;dr:

  • we’re concerning ourselves with creating a situation-awareness-improving tool for a sci-fi, simulator-styled, multiplayer, First-Person Shooter, i.e., MechWarrior Online (MWO);

  • our task for now is to identify the position of the target designator on a frame (if present), and extract the image of the target contained within;

  • we’ll use this capability to extract training data (images of targets) to train our "final" model, which will serve as a tool for reviewing gameplay footage, for the purpose of improving situational awareness of players.

As a refresher, the following animation shows what the target designator looks like in the game (marked as 3.):

and, in contrast, an example of an "actual", in-match screenshot:

intro screenshot processed
Figure 2. In-match screenshot, "slightly" more busy. PPI has been obfuscated by box-bluring.

Our general process for the series can be broken down as follows:

  1. we’ll first examine a number of different methods for extracting the designator’s position, including hyperparameter optimization, if applicable;

  2. after that, we’ll run those methods on a larger dataset, comparing both their efficacy and efficiency.

Somewhere between 1 and 2, we’ll also need to develop a quality measure for extracted images, to minimize the amount of bogus or low-quality training data, such as one in the screenshot below.

target selector obscured
Figure 3. An example of a bogus data point. Terrain completely obscures target’s image.

However, in this particular blog entry, we’ll focus on Point 0, namely: what makes a target designator in MWO? We’ll explore this question with the use of some basic Data Science methods.

Getting started

We’ll mostly be using OpenCV for frame loading and manipulation, as well as numpy for numeric operations on the frame’s data. Scikit-learn and other (deep) learning frameworks will come into play later.

This post assumes basic knowledge of all of the above (if you’d like an overview of OpenCV basics, here is one).

Having said that, let’s establish some standards we’ll be following in this and subsequent entries:

import cv2 as cv

# assuming we:
# - loaded frames from cv2.VideoCapture into a `video` array
# - the video in question is 1080p, and in color
frame = cv.cvtColor(video[frame_index], cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

print(frame.shape) # (1080, 1920, 3)
print(frame.type) # dtype('uint8')
print(frame.max()) # 255

In other "words", unless stated otherwise:

  • we’ll be using the RGB colorspace (after all, anyone using OpenCV for any length of time has an "amusing" story of accidentally using its BGR default);

  • our color values will be in the 0-255 range.

Designating the designator

We’re now looking for distinguishing features of the target designator, so that we can use that information to extract it from the input videos' frames in later, upcoming blog entries.

Fair warning about this section – we’ll be going pretty deep here, and sometimes into seemingly redundant paths. This is to show more possibilities than just the "optimal" solution for this particular case.

Going back to the matter at hand – looking at the last screenshot again, it becomes pretty obvious the distinctive quality of the target designator is its color. In fact, let’s see a couple more examples of the designators:

selector examples
Figure 4. Designator examples in various situations, 1:1 size.

We can observe a couple of things:

  • the boxes are:

    • of size 96px by 96px, at least in the input samples are using;

    • in general, very red,

      • they are, however, not uniformly red, due to blending at the borders, video encoding particularities, and a slight translucency applied throughout;

  • the target designators can be, themselves, obscured by other UI elements, like the ring (arm) and crosshair (torso) reticles,

  • they are also not the only elements that appear to have this particular color – in two of the examples, we can see a third kind of reticle for lock-on weapons (no one said this game isn’t complex!) that, in its active state, has visually the same hue.

Let’s see how distinguishable that color is among the various reticles. The first kind of visualization tool that may come to mind is a histogram. We’ll use the following functions to generate them:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns


def to_channel_values_in_rows(image):
    channel_width = image.shape[-1]

    return np.moveaxis(image, len(image.shape)-1, 0).reshape([channel_width, -1])

def histogram_from_image(image, plt_axis, labels, colors, max_samples):
    channel_values_in_columns = np.transpose(to_channel_values_in_rows(image))

    hist_data = pd.DataFrame(data=channel_values_in_columns, columns=labels)

    sns.histplot(hist_data, ax=plt_axis, palette=colors, binwidth=10)
    plt_axis.set_ylim(0, max_samples) # necessary for consistency across all images

Instead of using matplotlib histograms, we’re going for seaborn’s version instead. This allows to more concisely define the graph parameters such as the colors and labels for each data element. We also need to extract the actual value frequencies from each color channel for the histogram to make sense – that’s where the to_channel_values_in_rows function comes in, converting the [y][x][channel] –> value mapping of the image into an array of dimension (channel_width, width*height), where every row lists the intensity values of pixels for the particular channels.

For an RGB histogram, we invoke the function like so:

histogram_from_image(image, axs_from_matplotlib, ["r", "g", "b"], ["r", "g", "b"], 96**2 * 0.5)

The max_samples is derived from the size of the image (target designator size), but ultimately something obtained via trail-and-error.

OK, let’s see what we got:

selector full histogram rgb
Figure 5. Sample target designators with corresponding RGB histograms.

That’s not…​ very helpful, is it? The values are seemingly all over the place, we can mayyyybe make out a small bump in the R-channel’s values around 200, but that’s it.

We mustn’t give up on histograms quite yet, 'though. RGB is not the only colorspace. Alternatives include HSL and HSV colorspaces that, as the linked Wikipedia page states, align more closely with human visual perception than RGB.

Onto the histograms:

histogram_from_image(cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_RGB2HLS), axs_from_matplotlib, ["H", "L", "S"], ["black", "magenta", "cyan"], 96**2 * 0.5)
selector full histogram hsl
Figure 6. Same target designators with their HSL histograms

Immediately, we see that all diagrams have a distinctive peak in the Hue channel, within the 170-180 bin. So, what does, say, 175 at max saturation and half lightness (both for better color visibility) looks like? Like this:


def display_color_swatch(h, l, s, image_size=SWATCH_IMAGE_SIZE):
    demo_image = np.tile([h, l, s], (image_size, image_size, 1)).astype('uint8')

    # housekeeping to ensure image is displayed in 1:1 ratio
    figsize(image_size * px, image_size * px)

    plt.imshow(cv.cvtColor(demo_image, cv.COLOR_HLS2RGB))


h = 175

display_color_swatch(h, l, s)
hls color demo

Yeah, that does look red all right.

In the previous couple of snippets, we’ve been using HLS (instead of HSL) since that what OpenCV offers (similarly to BGR vs RGB). Keep that in mind, so as not to mix up the channels.

For good measure, let’s take a portion of each of the boxes – in this case, the "upper-left" one, i.e. image[8:37, 7:10, :], and generate the histograms for that:

selector corner histograms

This indicates even more strongly that just going by hue value might be our ticket (since the same "spike" is visible right around the 170-180 bin).

To preempt the eventuality that masking by a single channel value might be insufficient, we can examine the relationship between the different channels. At first, visually. We need a 3D scatter plot. Our function to generate one looks like this:

AX3D_AXES = ["x", "y", "z"]
AX3D_LIM_SUFFIX = "lim3d"

def set_up_3d_plot_limits_and_labels(ax, labels: tuple[str, str, str]):
    """Helper function - sets all axes limits and labels"""

    def __ax3d_funcs(ax3d, suffix):
        return [getattr(ax3d, f"{AX3D_PREFIX_SETTER}{axis}{suffix}") for axis in AX3D_AXES]

    for limit_setter in __ax3d_funcs(ax, AX3D_LIM_SUFFIX):

    for label_setter, label in zip(__ax3d_funcs(ax, AX3D_LABEL_SUFFIX), labels):

def scatter_3d_from_image(image, labels, fig, plt_axis, num_columns, num_rows, column, row):
    channel_values_in_rows = to_channel_values_in_rows(image)

    ax = fig.add_subplot(num_rows, num_columns, (row * num_columns) + column + 1, projection="3d")
    set_up_3d_plot_limits_and_labels(ax, labels)


And our invocation, for example, for the 2nd row, and the 3rd image, might look like this:

fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 10)

row = 1
image_index = 2

# Some code in between...

scatter_3d_from_image(frame, ["r", "g", "b"], fig, axs[1, 2], 10, 3, 2, 1)
The code for the current visualization appears convoluted. That’s because we’re mixing up 2D and 3D diagrams in one plot. The 3D elements force us to use the fig.add_subplot API, whereas our 2D elements are reliant on the plt.subplots API, with array of 2D axes. This is why we also include the plt_axis.axis('off') call – we need to "hide" the axes of the 2D diagram "slot" we’ve created with plt.subplots.

Right, let’s see our results:

selector corner scatter plots
Figure 7. Scatter plots for target designator "corner fragment". First row is the 28px*3px image, scaled up, second is the RGB scatter plot, third is HLS scatter plot.
selector full scatter plots
Figure 8. Scatter plots for complete target designators. First row is the 96px*96px image, scaled up, second is the RGB scatter plot, third is HLS scatter plot.

For the fragment version, the clustering across the two different colorspaces is pretty similar — arguably, the HLS one looks more "compact", but that might be misleading. The full designator versions offer a starker difference between RGB and HLS. In most cases, in the HLS plot, we can make out the same kind of cluster as in the fragment diagrams, whereas the RGB versions are much more of a chaotic jumble.

However, it is high time we started to act like true MechWarriors – in this case, stop relying on the MK. I Eyeball, and turn to cold and calculating machine systems for our target acquisition. This means, in our case, clustering.

What we’ll do now is join both imagesets into large images, and run a clustering algorithm on them. This will "smoothen out" differences across our samples and hopefully make the cluster we’re interested in - the target designator color cluster – more pronounced, and thus easier to pick out by the algo.

Speaking of algos, scikit-learn has a very convenient overview of the clustering algorithms it offers. Now, we need to consider our requirements and preferences.

As far as requirements are concerned, anything with "even cluster sizes" is right out. Not only it’s unlikely to be the case just looking at the variability of colorspace values across our images, but also we’re really interested in the one (postulated) cluster that will represent the target designator colorspace values. So K-Means, Spectral clustering and Bisecting K-Means should be excluded.

For scaling, we don’t really about it – our data space size is too small for it matter significantly.

We now have a choice of two broad categories of algos, split on the kind of main parameter, that being:

  • distance threshold: this is…​ kind of what we want to obtain from the clustering. We can have a good guess, but let’s maybe leave algos requiring in case something doesn’t work.

  • neighborhood size: also arguably something that we want to get from the clustering, but in this case we can at least estimate some minima from the size of the box elements. So, let’s go with that first.

This leaves us with Affinity propagation, DBSCAN, OPTICS, Gaussian mixtures, and BIRCH. We can start with any one of them. However, DBSCAN looks like the best candidate so far. That’s because of a quirk in its parametrization. To quote the docs:

[…​] the parameter eps is crucial to choose appropriately for the data set and distance function and usually cannot be left at the default value. It controls the local neighborhood of the points. When chosen too small, most data will not be clustered at all (and labeled as -1 for “noise”).

This low amount of clustering and labeling most data as "noise" is, in our case, exactly what we want!

Let’s get to work then. First, let’s merge all our images into one – we can do this with a NumPy array-level operation:

# all images
designator_images: list[np.array] = ...

# all with just the designator segments
designator_segment_images = [img[8:37, 7:10, :] for img in designator_images]

designator_image_concat = np.concatenate(designator_images, axis=1)

designator_segment_images_concat = np.concatenate(designator_segment_images, axis=1)

This will produce the following two images:

designator concat
designator segment concat

Let’s start with the latter first, as the result obtained from that will help us find the "right" cluster of interest in the former. In fact, because this image contains just (a portion) of the designator, we want the clustering algorithm to generate exactly 1 cluster, and leave the rest as noise.

Alright, so DBSCAN has several parameters, of which two are of particular interest: eps and min_samples. Both determine how the neighborhood of "core" points is defined – an important distinction, by the way, between that and the size of the entire cluster, which DBSCAN does not concern itself with directly.

Keeping this sizing caveat in mind, we’ll ballpark both parameters.

For eps, we want a decent, but not to overly broad of a distance, so that the cluster doesn’t capture too many points. A good value would be to at least allow a distance of 2 in any direction (H, S, L). Since we’re keeping the default Euclidean metric, this gives us eps=2**3=8. Of course, this also lets through points that are 8 values away along any one axis, but this won’t be a problem here.

Now, min_samples. One would be tempted to get a large number, like the size of a single of one of the 3 "bars" each designator segment has (recall the individual images are of shape (3, 28) in this case). This would give us 28*10=280 (10 being the image count). Great! Except it won’t work – no cluster will be recognized. No "core" point can apparently be found for the given eps value in this case. However, half of that, i.e. 140 works, so let go with that.

Our clustering result is generated through the following code:

from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN

def prepare_image_for_clustering(image):
    # since we've determined HSL/HLS to likely be superior for clustering
    hsl = cv.cvtColor(image, cv.COLOR_RGB2HLS)

    # DBSCAN, as typical of sklearn Estimators, needs a columnar format of the values
    in_rows = to_channel_values_in_rows(hsl)
    return np.transpose(in_rows)

def hsl_clusters_of(X, eps, min_samples):
    # we're explicitly adding that we want a l2/Euclidean metric
    dbscan = DBSCAN(eps=eps, min_samples=min_samples, p=2)

    # our clustering fit
    return dbscan.fit_predict(X)

X_segment = prepare_image_for_clustering(designator_segment_images_concat)

clusters = hsl_clusters_of(X_segment, eps=2 ** 3, min_samples=(28 * 10) // 2)

clusters is simply a 1-D denoting which cluster a given sample belongs to. We’ll fit it into a dataframe to allow for analysis and display[1] :

COLORSPACE = ("H", "L", "S")

def cluster_to_df(image_data_h_l_s, clusters):
    return pd.DataFrame(data=zip(image_data_h_l_s[:, 0], image_data_h_l_s[:, 1], image_data_h_l_s[:, 2], clusters), columns=list(COLORSPACE)+["cluster_id"])

clustering_df = cluster_to_df(X_segment, clusters)

and start verifying that we got our desired result:


# prints out:
#  -1    480
#  0    390
# Name: cluster_id, dtype: int64

Yup, we’ve got our single cluster (since -1 is the special "noise" value). Now for the cluster’s summary statistics:

target_values = clustering_df[clustering_df["cluster_id"] == 0]


# prints out:
#                 H           L           S  cluster_id
# count  390.000000  390.000000  390.000000       390.0
# mean   172.815385  101.858974  254.423077         0.0
# std      1.672942    8.157392    1.863733         0.0
# min    170.000000   83.000000  243.000000         0.0
# 25%    172.000000   96.000000  255.000000         0.0
# 50%    173.000000  102.000000  255.000000         0.0
# 75%    174.000000  109.000000  255.000000         0.0
# max    179.000000  121.000000  255.000000         0.0

The mean hue value is close to what we estimated earlier from the histograms.

Now, let’s try to run the clustering on the concatenated full designator images. We’re going to multiply min_samples by 4, as every image has that number of previously extracted segments.

X_designators = prepare_image_for_clustering(designator_image_concat)

clusters_full = hsl_clusters_of(X_designators, eps=2 ** 3, min_samples=((28 * 10) // 2)*4)

clustering_df_full = cluster_to_df(X_designators, clusters_full)


# prints out:
# -1     61136
#  1      7300
#  2      4137
#  5      3869
#  7      3185
#  4      2553
#  3      2082
#  9      1989
#  6      1886
#  0      1795
#  8      1597
#  10      631

Lots more clusters, but that’s to be expected. The first cluster is hopefully want we want, followed by, most likely, greyscale values in some of the test images. Not leaving anything to chance, let’s check out what hue values are represented by each cluster.

We’re going to calculate three percentiles of the hue values for each cluster: the 10th, the 50th (i.e., median), and the 90th. This is a serviceable exploration heuristic if a quick check is desired, and a relatively varied distribution is suspected. We’re also including the cluster size again, for good measure.

from functools import partial

# The keywords of agg are completely arbitrary - they're just
# our column names in the output. What is important is that we provide
# a function object (Callable) for each value. That is why we need to
# invoke partial for the percentiles.
clustering_df_full.groupby(by="cluster_id")["H"].agg(centile_10=partial(np.percentile, q=10),
                                                     centile_90=partial(np.percentile, q=90),

# prints out:
#             centile_10  median  centile_90  count
# cluster_id
# -1                 7.0    30.0       173.0  61136
#  0                 0.0     0.0         0.0   1795
#  1               171.0   173.0       177.0   7300
#  2                 0.0     0.0         0.0   4137
#  3                 0.0     5.0        13.0   2082
#  4                30.0    30.0        30.0   2553
#  5                15.0    26.0        34.0   3869
#  6                 7.0    16.0        20.0   1886
#  7                27.0    31.0        33.0   3185
#  8               165.0   165.0       168.0   1597
#  9                 0.0     0.0         0.0   1989
#  10                0.0     0.0         0.0    631

(by the way: yes, we could have just used describe here – the only benefit is a slightly more focused output. Don’t worry, we’ll come back to that method later on.)

Phew, looks like we do have most of the relevant values in one cluster (cluster_id == 1). The guess that the other of the largest clusters represent greyscale values was also correct (if you’re wondering why there are multiple ones with H values 0 – that’s because they almost certainly differ in the other colorspace components).

The only mildly worrying thing is cluster 8, being very close in hue to the red of our designator. We’ll keep that in mind as we progress into the next steps.

Before we close this section, it would serve us to actually visualize the cluster spaces. We’re going to do it in two ways – one, by using a predefined colormap, the other, by using the actual (median) colors of the cluster. The code for the diagram generation is as follows (warning – lots of matplotlib idiosyncrasies we won’t go into detail here):

import matplotlib.patches as mpatches

MISSING_CLUSTER_COLOR = [0.75, 0, 0.75]


def show_legend_no_alpha(ax, colors, labels, title):
    """Helper function - displays a legend for the cluster colors with 0 transparency"""
    # removing the alpha channel (RGBA -> RGB)
    handles_colors = [c[:3] for c in colors]

    # following
    # https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/intermediate/legend_guide.html#creating-artists-specifically-for-adding-to-the-legend-aka-proxy-artists
    final_handles = [mpatches.Patch(color=color, label=label) for (color, label) in zip(handles_colors, labels)]

    # and ensure that the cluster values are the labels...
    ax.legend(handles=final_handles, ncols=(len(final_handles) // LEGEND_VALUES_PER_COL_MAX) + 1, loc="upper right", title=title)

def draw_clusters_cm(cluster_data: pd.DataFrame, alpha: float = 1., colormap="tab20b"):
    """Primary presentation function – draws provided clusters with a predefined colormap
    See https://matplotlib.org/stable/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')

    set_up_3d_plot_limits_and_labels(ax, COLORSPACE)

    scatter_plot = ax.scatter(*[cluster_data[comp] for comp in COLORSPACE],

    handles, labels = scatter_plot.legend_elements()
    show_legend_no_alpha(ax, [c.get_color() for c in handles], labels, "cluster_id")


def draw_clusters_real_color(cluster_data: pd.DataFrame, alpha: float = 1.):
    """Alternative presentation function – draws provided clusters with "real" colors,
     i.e. each of the median HLS values for the cluster."""
    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(projection='3d')

    set_up_3d_plot_limits_and_labels(ax, COLORSPACE)

    # create a color dict for the cluster colors
    median_cluster_colors = cluster_data.groupby("cluster_id")[list(COLORSPACE)].median()

    median_cluster_color_rgb = cv.cvtColor(np.array([median_cluster_colors.values]).astype('uint8'), cv.COLOR_HLS2RGB)

    colors_per_cluster = dict(
                 (median_cluster_color_rgb[0] / float(PIXEL_VALUE_LIMITS[1])).tolist())))

    # let's set -1 to an unusual color, but background color (such as light magenta) for good measure
    if MISSING_CLUSTER_ID in colors_per_cluster:
        colors_per_cluster[MISSING_CLUSTER_ID] = MISSING_CLUSTER_COLOR

    # we're doing things differently now - drawing individual scatter plots per cluster
    for cluster_id, color in colors_per_cluster.items():
        cluster_data_specific = cluster_data[cluster_data["cluster_id"] == cluster_id]
        ax.scatter(*[cluster_data_specific[comp] for comp in COLORSPACE],

    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    show_legend_no_alpha(ax, [h.get_edgecolor()[0] for h in handles], labels, "cluster_id")


and these are the diagrams we want to generate:

draw_clusters_real_color(clustering_df[clustering_df["cluster_id"] == 0])

draw_clusters_cm(clustering_df_full[clustering_df_full["cluster_id"] != -1])
draw_clusters_real_color(clustering_df_full[clustering_df_full["cluster_id"] != -1])
draw_clusters_real_color(clustering_df_full, 0.01)

which gives us the following:

cluster diags
Figure 9. Scatter plots for (going left to right): 1) The sole cluster in the segment image. 2) Clusters in the full image, shown with their median colors. 3) Clusters in the full image, shown with a predefined colormap/palette. 4) All pixels in the full image, including non-clustered ones.

Couple of notes here:

  • we were needlessly concerned about cluster 8 being, perhaps, cluster 1 's "lost twin" – from the diagram, especially the median color diagram, it is apparent that this cluster is actually very far away in our colorspace. Just shows the importance of properly presenting data and information extracted therefrom, and not jumping into conclusion based on solely a partial view of the data.

  • speaking of visualisation:

    • compare diagram 2 with diagram 3 – while the "true color" diagram provides some immediate information as to what the clusters represent, only the "palette" really demonstrates cluster boundaries.

    • for the final diagram, the alpha of all points is reduced greatly. This is because the no-cluster classification dominates within our dataset, so using no alpha would render our diagram pretty much unreadable.

And now, for the pièce de résistance – color information for cluster 1 in the full image!

Or, well, it would be, but we need to take of one thing first. Some readers have probably noticed the way we calculated the median color values of the cluster, i.e., get the median of each individual HSL component. That grouping of values is actually a marginal median. It is not the sole representation of a median in multidimensional spaces. In fact, depending on your dataset and on the relations between the components, it may be completely non-representative of the examined data, as discussed in this answer on Cross Validated.

At the surface level, the Cluster Of Interest looks like your typical unassuming, convex blob with likely straightforward relationships between the components. This may be deceiving, as, just by looking at the diagram, we cannot really see what the actual value densities are within that cluster. So, let’s go one step further and make sure we get our values right.

Another, somewhat more generally robust median in a multidimensional space is the geometric median[2]. It’s not available out-of-the-box in Pandas or numpy – but there is a third-party library that provides it.

To calculate it, we first need to extract the combined HLS values into a dedicated column:

# filtering out just the cluster of interest
cluster_1_data = clustering_df_full[clustering_df_full["cluster_id"] == 1].drop(columns=['cluster_id'])

# extracting the combined values
cluster_1_data["HLS"] = [r for r in cluster_1_data[["H", "L", "S"]].values]

# normalizing them to [0,1], as needed for the median calculation
# doing so in a separate step means we have access to the vectorized operation syntax
cluster_1_data["HLS_norm"] = cluster_1_data["HLS"]/COMPONENT_VALUE_MAX

# keeping just the normalized combined column
cluster_1_data = cluster_1_data.drop(columns=["HLS"])

Now we can actually obtain the geometric median:

from geom_median.numpy import compute_geometric_median

def compute_geom_median_on_series(series: pd.Series):
    result = compute_geometric_median(series.values)
    # "denormalize" the result back to [0, 255]
    return result.median*COMPONENT_VALUE_MAX

geometric_median = cluster_1_data["HLS_norm"].agg(compute_geom_median_on_series)


# prints out
# array([173.03971593, 100.6201285 , 254.43690908])

Now to demonstrate it, using the color swatch function we’ve defined previously…​

# "unwinding" the result array into positional arguments
# important to keep the sequence right, which in this case
# it is (H,L,S)
selector geom median

…​and compare to the individual medians:

color_components = ["H", "L", "S"]

# prints out
# H    173.0
# L    101.0
# S    255.0
# dtype: float64

We can see that, while in this case, the result is almost identical, there is still a small difference (in the saturation).

For good measure, let’s also generate more summary statistics for the color components, this time using describe:

color_components = ["H", "L", "S"]
cluster_1_stats = cluster_1_data[color_components].describe(percentiles=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9]).round(2)


# prints out
#              H        L        S
# count  7300.00  7300.00  7300.00
# mean    173.59    96.76   253.86
# std       2.39    15.72     3.06
# min     168.00    55.00   240.00
# 10%     171.00    72.00   250.00
# 50%     173.00   101.00   255.00
# 90%     177.00   114.00   255.00
# max     180.00   127.00   255.00

Finally, let’s summarize our results into a single DataFrame:

cluster_1_stats_final = cluster_1_stats.copy()

cluster_1_stats_final.loc["geom_median"] = geometric_median

cluster_1_stats_final = cluster_1_stats_final.drop(index=["count"]).round(2)


# prints out
#                   H       L       S
# mean         173.59   96.76  253.86
# std            2.39   15.72    3.06
# min          168.00   55.00  240.00
# 10%          171.00   72.00  250.00
# 50%          173.00  101.00  255.00
# 90%          177.00  114.00  255.00
# max          180.00  127.00  255.00
# geom_median  173.04  100.62  254.44


The numerical values we’ve now obtained will help us gauge the extent of the filtering criteria, as we move on to actually extracting the designators themselves.

Now, was this much work necessary to determine the colors that interest us? The answer is "absolutely not".

We could’ve just put the example images into an image editor and let it sample the color. Then, we might’ve eyeballed the color component intervals (i.e., min, max, and so on) for the purpose of creating a prototype extractor of the designator images. This is, in fact, the level of effort that should usually be applied when making prototypes.

Hell, we could’ve gone with an alternative route (if allowed by relevant copyright law and additional agreements such as the EULA) – look into the game’s graphic assets, if available, and find the elements from which the designator is constructed. This would allow us to estimate the color range from stuff like the designator’s alpha channel[3].

Moreover, our data size is suspiciously small. In a project of similar magnitude, we should have hundreds, if not thousands of samples to use for the clustering. The reliability of the result rests pretty much on the author’s confidence to handpick representative samples consistently.

The intent of this post, however, was twofold.

First, to demonstrate how to go about solving this kind of problem somewhat more rigorously, so that we can have a little bit more confidence in what we base our further work on.

The other was showcasing a number of data analysis tools and the way to use them, allowing them to be used when tackling similar data extraction tasks.

Well, here we are. In the next couple of entries, we’ll proceed with the image extraction itself, using several different techniques of varying complexity, power, and performance. To provide a bit of a teaser: in the immediately subsequent post, we’ll start with a couple of simple and current techniques, including the usage of some libraries that are definitely more modern than OpenCV. Watch this space!

1. If you need a general refresher on what Pandas DataFrames are, have a look at this blog post.
2. Do not confuse it with the geometric mean. The geometric median deals directly with spatial relationships of the values, whereas the "geometric" in the geometric mean refers to the distribution of values in some set of real numbers.
3. If it’s not set programmatically, that is.